DBMS  stand for database management system.It is a software that designed for storing data, defining data ,retrieving data and manage all type records or data into the  database.

                        *----- DATABASE-----*
Database refers to the collection of interrrelated data and Database management system (DBMS) is a computer program that manages a database effectively and efficiently.
a number of diffrent application programs are written to extract records from and add records to the appropriate files. But this scheme has a number of major limitations and disadvantages,such as data redundancy (duplication of data), data inconsistency, unsharable data, unstandarized data,insecure data, incorrect data etc. A database management system is answer for all these problems as it provides a centralized control of the data.

                        HOW DATABASE WORKS
The database system do not maintain se4prate copies of same data.Rather, all the data are kept at one place and all the applications that require data refers to the centralluy maintained database (collection of data) .If any change is to be made to data, it will be made at just one place and the same changed information will be available to all the pplications referring to it .We do not mean to suggest that all redundancy should neccessarily be eliminated.

        Advantages of database:-
1.  Database reduce the data redundancy to a              large extent.
2.  Database can control data inconsistancy to a        large extent
3.  Database facilitate sharing of data
4.  Dtatabase enforce standards 
5.  Database can ensure data security

                         Flat  vs Relational database
When all the data is stored in one file then such a database is called Flat database.
When the data is stored in multiple tables that are linked through a common fields,then such a database is called Relational database and software handling relational database is called RDBMS- Relational database Management System.

Microsoft Access, BASE, Oracle, MySQL etc. are examples of RDBMS. A table in an RDBMS is given a special name - relation.


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