keywords for ethical hacking
Some keywords for ethical hacking....
1. Attack :-
Action with malicious intension .
2. Authentication:-
It is a process of identifying the person or system with username or password.
3. Backdoor:-
Trapdoor,used to gain authorized access to computer or network .(How programmer may by pass security steps without permission)
3. Buffer:-
Temporarily data storage while data is placed to one place to another.
4. Cipher:-
It is a process to cover the data code or encrypt algorithm technique.
5. Cryptography:-
It is the science and art of protecting the privacy of the information by encrypting into a secret code.
6. Decryption:-
Process of converting cipher text into plain text.
7. Encryption:-
Process of converting plain text into cipher text.
8. Exploit:-
To take an advantage of the weakness of the system.
9. Hash value:-
It is a result of applying cryptographic hash value.
10. Malware:-
Malicious is used to damage computer system and network and steal the data from that infected system.
11. Threat:-
It is a possible danger that might exploit a vulnerability to violet security protocols.
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